Localized Feeds

I was the Lead Designer to design and launch Flow’s Feeds product from conception to the many iterations post launch. The products resulted in 34% in GMV uplift for all users, which also directly grew Flow’s own revenue.

International Discounts

I was the Lead Designer to design and launch Flow’s Discounts product in prioritized phases. We shipped the first release within 1 sprint, which resulted in near 40% conversion lift for our largest client.

Flow Product Architecture

I initiated a product architecture project that impacted our product roadmap and accelerated Flow’s shift to becoming an even more consumer-focused enterprise software product.

Flow Design System

I led the refresh of Flow’s Design System, championed and overlooked our transition from Sketch to Figma, redesigned the component hierarchy of our design system, and revamped the functions and forms of our key components.


Work ranging from projects at Flow — from designing in-console fulfillment by visiting fulfillment centers to observe workflows, iterating on the AB testing, landed cost, country configurations, checkout projects; to my past for-fun projects and the highlights of the two brands I co-founded.